The Hollywood Hunter TV series is a show featured on the Sportsman channel seen by millions of viewers weekly. Hosted by celebrity hunter Freddy Harteis, Freddy once again teamed up with Film Director Rocky Jo to create a fun and truly epic Show Open / Intro. With a bold vision, Rocky set out to create video production that would feature animals on the land and sea, and show Freddy in a variety of cinematic, heightened hunting scenarios based on Freddy’s real-life experiences.
From an alligator to a brown bear, the team spent weeks prepping and planning for the 3 day shoot both in Colorado and in Los Angeles. The result: a truly unforgettable spot packed with action and animals. Easily one of the most fun and creative shoots Rocky has ever directed.
To see more of Rocky Jo’s works: Showreel
Tags: TV series open / intro • video production services • tv advertising • film director