Film Director Rocky Jo was approached by celebrity hunter Freddy Harteis, host of the TV series The Hollywood Hunter shown to millions weekly on the Sportsman Channel. He asked Rocky to create a captivating show intro that could summarize the patience, adrenaline, and even comedic stigmas that come with being a hunter. Rocky got to work with his creativity and delivered a production that was widely received by the TV audience, and nominated for the best TV show open by the network.
The shoot included submerging Freddy in sub-zero degree water up to his nose, waiting for the perfect angle and moment to capture his epic rise and kill. (*And don’t worry, no animals were hurt in the making of this intro) And what you may not see – is Rocky and the camera team were ALSO freezing in the water with Freddy in order to capture said perfect angle.
Filmed in Colorado, Rocky couldn’t be more proud of his team and how the final video production turned out. Like a good TV commercial or digital ad, the best TV show intros tell a great story that set the tone for the series and give the audience a taste of what’s to come.
Along similar lines, if you want to know what a TV Sizzle Reel is and the key factors to make a good, you can check out this link: Roadtrip America Sizzle
To see more of Rocky Jo’s works: Showreel
Tags: TV series open / intro • video production services • tv advertising • film director