3rd Wave Music, a faith-based music band based in Korea, asked music video director Rocky Jo to help create a production that would feature up-and-coming singer Megan Lee. Rocky envisioned a trick-eye music video that would use various editing and visual techniques to make the music video feel innovative and optimistic. It would also require more than 30 dancers with a local dance school, and so Rocky and his professional creative filmmaking team got to work.
Filming took place in Korea where Rocky expertly led a Korean film production company (with English translators) and they filmed two back-to-back music videos. It took nearly 6 weeks to plan, 30+ crew, and over 100 people involved to make the production a success. In the end, Rocky was able to create a stunning, vibrant music video that was fun to watch and carried the hopeful theme of the song. A big thank you to band leader Johnny Lee and the entire 3rd Wave team, crew, dancers, and of course, talent.
To see the other video Rocky directed for 3rd Wave Music: I stand Music Video
To see more of Rocky Jo’s works: Showreel
TAGS: video production services • film production company • music video director • film director • video director • music video reel