In 2010-2011, Film Director Rocky Jo co-wrote a romantic comedy titled Lovesick, which would go on to become his first feature film distributed in Taiwan and China. Originally written in English and translated into mandarin, Lovesick would feature starlet Ariel Lin, rising actor Bolin Chen, and China super star Li Yifeng.
Lovesick Synopsis: A high school girl swears off love after getting her heart broken by her cheating boyfriend. Now older and wiser, she’s determined to show young girls everywhere just how conniving and perverted men really are. That is, until she meets the love of her life.
With a tongue-n-cheek tone and a heartfelt message, Rocky and the team set out to create a romantic comedy that would entertain teenage girls everywhere. It was an ambitious schedule requiring multiple locations, and Rocky bought on commercial / feature film cinematographer Chris Lytwyn. It was Rocky’s first major feature film, as he led a full film crew of 100+, 2 camera units, and a stunt team.
The experience was amazing, and Rocky is proud of the cast, the crew, and all the hard work everyone put in to make this film the best it could be. Looking back, it was an important first step into the world of feature filmmaking. But the movie also helped him recognize how much he needed to improve and grow as a filmmaker. Perhaps in a future youtube video or blog posts he’ll share more details on all the lessons filmmakers should learn when making a movie. For now, he carries this film like a cherished memory, as well as deep battle scar, it’s apart of his filmmaking story.
To see Rocky’s latest feature film, check out: Guardians of Night movie
To see more of Rocky Jo’s works: Showreel
TAGS: film director • feature film • movie • romance • comedy • romcom • romantic comedy • film production company • cinematic