Before GoDaddy revamped their image to be more family oriented, they ran a digital marketing campaign contest to see who would create the next great GoDaddy video advertisement. Jumping aboard the challenge to do something sensual and fun, Director Rocky Jo crafted a video production about a high schooler with an over-active imagination. And one of the steamiest digital ads was made.

The video production took place in Los Angeles at a last minute school location that was found once the first one fell through. With hot models and a class full of students, Rocky and the film crew successfully shot sizzling fun video commercial that turned up the sexy. Rocky’s goal was to push the envelope of sexy while still remaining tasteful. He couldn’t be more proud of the final video. And oddly enough, it was also one of the happiest crews he’s ever worked with.

To see more of Rocky Jo’s works: Showreel

TAGS: Digital advertising • video production services • film production company • digital marketing expert • video marketing services • film director • video director

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